Avosetta Group

Avosetta Saebelschnaebler

The Avosetta Group is a small informal group of lawyers whose main purpose is to further the development of environmental law in the European Union and its Member States. "Avosetta" is the Latin name of a rare bird which caused the European Court of Justice to establish far reaching principles of European nature protection law in the German Leybucht Case.

The availability of water in sufficient quality and quantity is an ongoing challenge in Europe and around the globe, which has
been significantly exacerbated by climate change in the last years. Our uses of water resources and the prioritization of our water
needs have to be critically examined. For this reason, the latest meeting of the Avosetta Group was held in Rennes
on 31 May/1 June 2024 under the topic "Water Law & Sustainable Trajectories". The corresponding questionnaire as well as
a collection of recent developments in national law and climate litigation can be found here.

The Avosetta Series publishes texts that present innovative discourse on European Environmental Law.
The most recent publication on "EU Biodiversity Law: Wild Birds and Habitats Directives" can be found at
Europa Law Publishing.

For opinions of the Avosetta Group please see here.